French labour law is notoriously complex, with much of the legislation and many regulations, administrative positions and case law changing on a regular basis. The pandemic has only accelerated these changes, leaving employers to contend with an increased raft of changes, at an even quicker pace.
Navigating this and keeping abreast of developments is no simple task. Multinational employers who are based outside of the jurisdiction can find themselves in hot water if they are not familiar with the system.
Join Jean-Sébastien Lipski from our Paris office for this 45-minute English language webinar during which he will cover five of the key challenges commonly encountered by employers in France and provide practical tips on how best to handle them. He will also provide an overview of SPB: Actualité en Droit Social, our free French-language app, which helps employers keep track of the constant raft of developments affecting their operations in France.
Our webinars are aimed at HR professionals and in-house lawyers with responsibility for employment law and staff relations issues. This session will be particularly relevant for multinational employers who have recently set up (or are planning to set up) subsidiaries in France.
The main webinar presentation will last 30 minutes, followed by a 15-minute online question and answer session.
If you would like to attend, or have colleagues who would, please register any interested parties using the registration link below.