Squire Patton Boggs will have the pleasure of sponsoring the ICC Mediation Week and hosting the welcoming cocktails on February 1, 2018 for the professional mediators and academics participating in the event.
Over 500 participants from around the world gather in Paris for the ICC Mediation Week, including professional mediators, academics and students. The prestigious event includes the International Mediation Roundtable and the International Commercial Mediation Competition.
The ICC International Commercial Mediation Competition lasts six days. 66 university teams from across the globe will compete in almost 150 mock mediation sessions throughout the Competition.
The Mediation Roundtable launches the event and assembles mediation professionals and academics who explore and examine the mediation industry’s latest trends and future development.
Antoine Adeline and José Feris will participate in the event. For more information, do not hesitate to contact them : antoine.adeline@squirepb.com – jose.feris@squirepb.com