To provide you with a deeper insight into the world of investment treaty arbitration, our International Dispute Resolution specialists organize an interactive presentation.
We will explain the nature of investment treaty arbitration and discuss a number of hot topics.
Using real-life examples taken from over 20 years of combined experience, we will answer your questions in English or French to help you in understanding this ever-evolving complex body of law.
This round-table will be structured as follows:
- Why are investment treaties relevant for your business ?
– What is an investment treaty?
– How does it protect investments? – How you can get your investment protected?
- General introduction to investment treaty arbitration (definition, contrast to commercial arbitration, introduction to BITs and certain sector-specific multilateral treaties)
- Hot topics, practical considerations and examples
- Choice of seat and arbitrator, common procedural issues
- Do BITs between EU Member States still apply?
- Transparency, the UNCITRAL Rules and the presumption of openness
- Importance of local knowledge
- Enforcement
- Your questions
Our presenters will be: Horst Daniel (Partner, Frankfurt), Rostislav Pekar (Partner, Prague) and Antoine Adeline (Partner, Paris).
We look forward to welcoming you in Paris.
Dates & Times
22 November 2016 14H -17H
The roundtable will be followed by cocktail drinks
Squire Patton Boggs 7 Rue du General Foy
75008, Paris France
The presentatin will be in English and we will answer questions in both English and French
Free of charge
Registration before 7 October 2016
by email: